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Thinking about the Resurrection


Connections in Scripture


Read: Matthew 28.1-20 & Mark 16.1-20


What are the similarities and differences in these texts ?


Perspectives on the texts




‘The focus is on what the disciples need to do in the earthly life that stretches ahead of them: bear witness, make disciples, teach and baptise, continue out amongst “the nations” the mission that Jesus has been undertaking amongst “the lost sheep of the house of Israel”.’


What do you think about the idea that the resurrection is about this life rather than the one after?















Read: Luke 24:13-35


How do these works challenge who and where the risen Christ is in the world today? How would you paint Christ in the style of Emmanuel Garibay?


Connections in Scripture: John 20:19-31


'Maybe the story is less about a doubtful Thomas needing evidence for the resurrection and more about the risen Jesus having the courage to let his friends touch his deepest wounds.'

Who among us so willingly lets others touch our wounds?

— Diana Butler Bass


Jesus shows his wounds to his friends,  at the beginning of this passage and then asks Thomas to touch them. How can the resurrection guide us as we walk alongside the wounded and vulnerable?

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